Trinity Grammar School Wood Green

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Please note - nearly all images on this website have been digitally enhanced to achieve better clarity. In some circumstances, this digital process can create unwelcome artifacts in the images. So a compromise between enhanced clarity and artifacts has been used for some images.

Recent updates to the site include:


In "Galleries, Reunions, page 15, photos from the June 2024 reunion at Ware.

In 'Stories/Stories of People', Roger Smedley (1951) – The Dave Clark 5…


In 'Stories/Stories of People', Janet Smith (nee Willson) 1947-53 Trinity Memories.

In 'Stories/Interesting Misc. Items', Janet Smith (nee Willson) 1947-53, images of 2004, 2006, 2007 reunions.

Some names added to photos.


In 'Galleries, Hatfields Peverel', the tribute in craft to the Trinity Memorial Gateway in October 2022.

In 'Galleries, Reunions', the Old Scholars 2022 reunion in Ware.

In 'Stories/Stories of People', Tony Mould Wartime Memories

In 'Galleries, Reunions', the 1946 Group May 2022 reunion.

In 'Galleries, Hatfield Peverel', the memorial plaque to Trinity's war time years in Hatfield Peverel.

In 'Galleries' 1960, the 4th Form geography field trip to Box Hill

In 'Galleries' 1953, the joint Snowdonia trip

In "History", there is "Story of the Trinity Archive" describing the history, location, and updated content of the archive.


Additional Names for 1965 Cumbria Trip picture

Three "Home Made" school magazines from the early 1940's in 'Stories ->Misc...'

Secondary School 11+ Allocation Form for 1950

1946 group reunion at Hatfield 2021 in 'Galleries->Year Reunions'

Mick Ashton - Chemistry - My Time at Trinity and What Followed in 'Stories->Stories of People'

The very last Trinity Grammar School Magazine No. 138 Summer 1962 in 'Stories ->Misc...'

Swinden to Dalrymple - Head to Head in 'Stories ->Misc...'

The Story of a School Library Book in 'Stories ->Misc...'

Trinity County School Prospectus in 1924 in 'Stories ->Misc...'

Image of the Main Hall stage used for School Assemblies in 'School Buildings'

HM Inspectors Report 1955 for Trinity School in 'Stories ->Misc...'

Trinity Christmas cards and Miss Jobson in 'Stories ->Misc...'

Added new menu to 'Stories' for "Interesting miscellaneous items'

John Steerwood, School Life in Trinity, Wood Green and Hatfield Peverel, Garfield Primary School, and later memoirs

Programs for Jack Good's productions of Twelfth Night and Othello in 1949 and 1950

Some additional names added from John Glyn 1946-51

The 1939-1945 War Memorial board at Trinity under "Stories of people"

Added new section under "Stories" - In Memoriam booklet replacing WW2 images from Galleries

Added architects drawings of the school buildings in 2014

Added "The Fascinating Story of a Trinity Family" - a great read!

Added "The original TOSA Application Form" from Robert Hughes

Added story "My Two Stints at Trinity" by David Greenshields

Added whole school photos from 1931 and 1936.

Added class photos for 1929, 1931, 1937/38.

Added 1929 Cricket Team

Added story "A recollection of Physics teacher Mr Howson, 'Chinese Fred'" by Colin Marr

Added six 1958 Group 2002 reunion images with names from Anne Flanagan

Some names from Anne Flanagan '58 updated in Year Reunions.

Added photos, 1959 Form 1D, 1960 Chess Club, 1961 Chess Club, 1961 Football 2nd year, 1962 Cricket 3rd year, 1962 Gym Club

Added story "Geography" Williams

Added images to 1954 and 1960 galleries

Added 1954 Form 2A photo, and added some names

Added names to 1960 Junior Choir - more names needed

Added story Jack Hawkins and his 1952 visit to Trinity by Colin Marr

Updated 1958 group 2012 reunion names

Added 1958 Group in 1987 with some ex-Glendale pupils

Added My time at Trinity Grammar School 1944–49 by Joy Riley (nee Thompson)

Added names to 1958 Group 2007 reunion

Added 1958 starters reunion images

Added girls group in playground 1962

Added details of new WW2 memorial (under "History")

Added full panorama photos for 1955 and 1958 school staff and pupils, (under "Galleries" - Whole School)

Added full panorama photo of 1962 school staff and pupils, (under "Galleries" - Whole School)

Added photos 1957 1st Rugby, 1959 Cross Country, 1959 1st Cricket, 1959 2nd Football

Updated 1962 Prefects photo

List has the latest updates appearing at the top..

Some images and captions updated


New "Trinity" banner image for the top of webpages

Stories (People): Jim Wallace Teacher 1951-1955 (Rugby Coach; Wanganui Collegiate)

Added photo 1958-59 2nd year cricket team

Added 1951 group reunion 2005 at Whitewebbs PDF

Revised content on "Home", History" and "Contacts" pages

Two Photos by Laurie Pate Inter-house football action in 1961

Photo by Laurie Pate: Football 2nd Year in action v Latimer

Photo by Laurie Pate: Football 1st Year Team 1956-7

Stories (People): Keverne Weston 1956 - 1961

Stories (People): Laurie Pate Cardiff 1958

Stories (People): Laurie Pate 1956 - 1962

Stories (People): Ray Liffen 1955 (2 parts)

Stories (People): Tony Betts 1954 -1959 (Hospitality Professional Academic)

Stories (People): John Steerwood 1939 -1944 (Architect)

Stories (People): Tony Mould 1941-1947 (Architect)

Stories (Newsletters): Complete Old Scholars Association Newsletters 2005 to 2016

Two Photos by Ron Southall (1956): Cricket Teams 1957 and 1958

Two Photos by John Capel (1945): 1946 Form 2D; 1949 5 Arts Mr Dean

Two New 2020 Photos of the Trinity Building by Colin Marr (1951)


511 historical and reunion photos added

Page last modified: 23 Jun 2024 10:51:45