The Lifebuoy Soap Emergency Bath Service offered free hot showers, towels and soap on the Noel Park Estate after air raids had left many people without sanitation
Photo scanned from page 133 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
Photo provided by Barbara Parish, nee Austin, 1938 pupil, and is a cutting from an unidentified magazine sometime in the early 1940s. The magazine quotes "Girls at County School, Wood Green decorate their shelter". Barbara recognizes a couple of the girls, but cannot recall their names. Their may be clues in other contemporary photos and the school history book.
Boys and Girls Go Out To - Dig!!! was the headline of this story in the London Evening News of April 14th 1941. The photo showed Trinity scholars preparing to dig up the sports field for allotments.
Photo scanned from page 136 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
This photo was the subject of much discussion, but was it was decided it was this class was in 1943. Derek Coleman, 1942 pupil, supplied the photo and Emel Rochat, French teacher, confirmed these details. Emel attended the 2006 Hatfield reunion. The photo would have been taken in September 1943.
Derek Coleman is in the back row, 2nd left.
The printed page shows some signatures, and another comment not showing with its separate dark background, but this might be revealed later.
An fuller attempt at listing the signature's names might be attempted later. Surnames listed include D.J. Coleman, R.H. Withers, Molly M. Gregory, MacMurdis, P.G.Brown, , Margaret Ralph, R.A. Jones, Whiting (?), Miller, Barker, Jean Millar, Pamela J. Wohlman (?), M.B. Clark, Gwenneth Bastone (?).
Pupils and staff outside the White Hart Lane Sports Pavilion after a hockey match against the Army Ack-Ack Crew members who occupied most of the sports field.
Photo scanned from page 135 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
Photo scanned from page 119 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
Photo scanned from page 140 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
There is no mention of who supplied this photo. Perhaps Derek Richell who is in the upper centre row as it is a name listed in other archive material?
BACK ROW ?, Michael Storer, ?, Roger Howard, Howard Baker, Robin Angel.
UPPER CENTRE ROW Elston Howard, Derek Richell, Eveline Smith, ?, ?, Jean Pidgen, ?, ?, David Ring, Alan Lindfield.
LOWER CENTRE ROW Daphne Anderson, Molly Hughes, Esme Tucker, Miss Tipping, Evelyne Kimber, Dorothy ?, ?.
FRONT ROW Maurice Brabham, Derek Rebbitts, Daphne Sparks, Vivienne Solder, Joan Whitehead (?), ?, ? Diamond.
Photo scanned from Don Grammer's compiled school history published in 1999: Trinity: A School with a Past.
The book caption dates this as a 1943-44 class, but there is a nearby photo of Mr Dean with another class, so this could be September 1944 in a new academic year.
Photo supplied by Stan Solomons, 1938 pupil, who is in the back row.
BACK ROW Ken Turner, ?, (Mr Peacock?), Stan Solomons, Ken Smith.
CENTRE ROW ?, ?, Ian Patterson, ?, Len Rayner.
FRONT ROW Roy Augood, Norman Whatmough.
NOTES. There are four comments but only two are visible due to the use of coloured backgrounds on the Homestead website. Stan Solomons says the name of the teacher escapes him, but the teacher was a Cambridge History graduate, interested in boxing, but he had a club foot. However the caption lists Mr Peacock, and there is some likeness (perhaps the information on the two dark panels would explain?).
Tony Mould, 1941 pupil, comments that Norman Whatmough trained as an architect, but later disappeared and may have gone to Belgium, as his mother was Belgian.
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