Year Reunions Gallery

1946 Group Reunion at Hatfield 2021
After nearly a two year break, due to Covid, we eventually had our reunion at the rejuvenated Comet Hotel in Hatfield on 23rd October 2021.
Considering our ages, it was quite a surprise that nine survivors from 1946 managed to attend, albeit with a degree of help from five wives! Staff at the Comet Hotel looked after us well. We started arriving from 11am, chatted non-stop until 1pm and then sat down to a very pleasant lunch which lasted until 3pm.
I think we all agreed that it was one of our best reunions in recent years and are looking forward to the next one in 2022. Provisionally, Alan & I thinking about having the reunion at Easter time next year as the weather is warmer and the days longer.
Attached is a photo of the nine of us taken just after lunch. Names from left to right are Sylvia Stroud (Atkinson), Dick Stroud, John Glyn, Peter Seager, Doreen Stoddart (Dunston), Clive Higgens, Colin Moore, Alan Rutter & Roger Cole.
Alan Rutter & Peter Seager

Trinity Class of 1946 - Annual Reunion 7 May 2022
We had a really good reunion with seven attendees, in future, to be known as "The Magnificent Seven".
It was Colin Moor's 88th birthday, and, on behalf of the class of 1946, we gave him an appropriate birthday card. He in turn had brought along a really yummy M & S chocolate & cream cake which we all enjoyed later on in the afternoon.
Our usual putting the world to rights went on until lunchtime when were joined by the wives of Alan & Peter and we all sat down for a pleasant lunch & further chatting up to mid afternoon.
Then it was photo-call time for "The Magnificent Seven" and we all departed, keeping our fingers crossed, that we would be around for another reunion next year.
Kindest regards
Alan Rutter & Peter Seager
From left to right they are Colin Moor, Peter Seager, Alan Rutter, John Glyn. Peggy Denton, Doreen Stoddart & Roger Cole.

1947 Group - Reunion

Small 1947 Group Reunion 2004 – Comet Hotel, Hatfield
Charles Larbey, Janet Willson (Smith & Pete Sinfield – all 1947)

1948 Group 2006 Reunion

1948 Group 2006 Reunion

1948 Group 2006 Reunion

1948 Group 2006 Reunion

1948 Group 2006 Reunion

1948 Group 2006 Reunion
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