Photo supplied by John Sutton, 1955 pupil, who is on the far left. Next to him is Rex Welch, and on the far right is Michael Fahey.
Right Jacquiline Smith, Sandra Rawle (me), John Purser.
Left front Bob Gooch.
Photo and Names supplied by Sandra Burford (nee Rawle)
Photo and names supplied by Mick Ashton, 1957 pupil, and who is in the back row.
Back row - ?, ?, ?Lyons, Mick Ashton, Dave Sherman, Robert Reid, Keith Sole
Front row - ?, Peter Crook, John Davis, Mr Gunn, ?, John Collis
Photo and names supplied by Ron Southall, 1956 pupil, who is in the front row third from the left as viewed, next to Mr Gunn.
Back row: Richard Stroud, John Bowles, Paul Hawkins, Graham Davis, Barry Spence
Front row: Paul Simmonds, Alan Sutton, Ron Southall, Mr Gunn, Richard Cox, Laurie Pate, Peter Jarvis.
Photo and names supplied by Ron Southall, 1956 pupil, who is in the back row.
Back Row: Paul Hawkins, Richard Stroud, Rodney Delieu, Paul Simmonds, Laurie Pate, Ron Southall, Martin Hunt, John Bowles.
Front row: Jeff Killick, Chris Cartwright, Peter Jarvis, Richard Cox, Mr Gunn, Barry Spence, Alan Sutton.
Photos supplied by Peter Turner, 1954 pupil, but most were taken by Ken Hogan,1954 pupil. Notes of names by Peter, Ken Hogan and Christine MacPherson (Upton), 1956 pupil, whose husband improved the original grainy image.
The set is grouped here, all but one of Paris, and one Welsh scene, but the fuller notes are with individual photos to follow this collection. The week in Paris was Easter, 1959, led by Mr Bassett and Mrs Cooper. These images are very grainy and might be replaced or followed by separate photos. The Cardiff trip was in July 1958 for a week staying in a local school in dormitories to attend the Commonwealth and Empire Games.
Descriptions: Top Left - Alan Claxton, Fred Tippett, Jean Meeuwissen. Middle - Peter Turner, Barry Island, Empire Games Week, Cardiff, July 1958. Middle - Ken Hogan - not sure who took it - possibly John Knights. Middle Left - Arc De Triomphe - includes John Horder. Middle Centre - Fred, Jean, Alan, John Horder. Far Right - Ken, John Knights, Alan. Bottom Left - John Knights, Fred and Alan. Bottom Right - Alan, John Knights, Fred, John Horder.
Photo taken by Ken Hogan, 1954 pupil?
Trinity sent a mixed group to watch the Empire Games in Cardiff for a week in July, and they stayed in a suburban secondary school in dormitory accommodation. Lots of fun and games, mostly forgotten. Good memories of friendships and talking to the local people. Some pupils went to the cycling, but mostly to the athletics.
This was taken at the end of the marathon won by D. Powell of Australia. More details might be added by Fred Tippett, 1954 pupil, or John Knights, 1955 pupil. Ken Hogan died tragically in late 2002 before he could launch the new Old Scholars 1954 Year Group Reunion, whereas Keverne Weston soon took over from 2003 to 2007.
Photo and names supplied by Christine MacPherson (Upton), 1956 pupil, now in Canada.
BACK ROW Linda Newell, Judy Banks, Valerie Seaton, Pauline Loader, Carol Boot.
FRONT ROW Christine Upton, Sylvia Gray (Captain), Lesley Wilkins, Mary Crapps.
Photo taken in Trinity Gardens, Bounds Green Road. Names from Kemal Ghafur, 1951 pupil.
BACK ROW Kemal Ghafur, Tony Gale, Terry Burn.
FRONT ROW Irene Lawson, Anne Moxon, Pam Cotsford, Thelma Hodgson.
Photo and names supplied by Richard Simmonds
BACK ROW Harry Shaw, Mr Gunn, Peter Watson
FRONT ROW Richard McDermott, Bob Heddle, John Miller, (?), Richard Simmonds
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