Trinity Grammar School Wood Green


1950s Gallery

1957 Austria Trip

Photo possibly supplied by someone like Colin Marr, 1951 pupil, showing Colin Hale, 1951 pupil, with camera in hand, and Ernest Piper next, 1951 pupil.

1957 Austria Trip

Photo by Colin Hale, 1951 pupil.

Mr Eustance Relaxing on Train

1957 Austria Trip

Two photos of teachers relaxing in the shade during this popular school trip.

Featured are Mr Eustance, Mr MacDonald, music teacher, and Mr Williams, woodwork teacher, alongside their wives.

1957 Austria Trip

These photos may come from the 1957 trip to Austria, so subject to confirmation. These photos will be separated later, improved where they can, and more accurate naming adopted where possible.

Upper Photo: from left, Michael Formoy, David Sanders, Peter Withers, Janet Creasy, Wendy Rainbow

Lower photo: from left, Peter Withers, Wendy Rainbow, Beryl Collings, Michael Formoy, Janet Creasy, David Sanders

1957 Austria Trip

These photos are believe to come from the 1957 trip to Austria so only subject to confirmation. Later, these photos will be separated and more accurate naming attempted where possible.

UPPER PHOTO - among those identified provisionally are Dave Cook in the back row, middle row Beryl Collings and Michael Formoy, Wendy Rainbow and Mr Williams, woodwork teacher; further right is Marion Cribb and Susan Binnings. Others could be Carolyn Selkirk, Pat Maguire, Valerie Kearey, and Donald Smith (far right, standing), Jean Meeuwissen, Evelyn Weyler and other 1954 pupils. Sat on the ground are Donald Turner, Michael Stone?, and Brian Woodhall.

LOWER PHOTO - probably a visit to a bakery or brewery? Subject to confirmation. In the crowd can be seen Janet Creasy, Valerie Kearey, Mr Williams, woodwork teacher and Mary Parker-Smith at the back.

1957 Cricket Team First Form 1956-1957

Photo and names supplied by Ron Southall, 1956 pupil, who is in the front row, far right as viewed.

Back Row: Ralph Hart, Ian Pinkus, Mr Mackey, Chris Cartwright, Martin Hunt, Richard Stroud.

Front row: John Bowles, Richard Cox, Paul Simmonds, Laurie Pate, Alan Sutton, Ron Southall

1957 1st Team Rugby

Photo and names supplied by Richard Simmonds (Seated on right), updated by Colin Marr

BACK ROW (?), Bill Bhagat, Tony Letby, John Hungate, Colin Hale, Mr R Mackey, (?), Mick Martin, Tony Jones, (?)

FRONT ROW John Leader, (?), Ron Clifford, Ernie Piper, Mr Dalrymple, Bernie Bowyers, Melvyn Mather, (?)

SEATED Cliff Lyons, Richard Simmonds

1957 1st XI Cricket

Photo supplied by Peter Hamblin, and names by Peter and Kemal Ghafur, both 1951 pupils.

BACK ROW Melvyn Mather, David Lane, Peter Watson, Mr Mackey, Lawrence Molloy, Alan Holman, Malcolm Matthews (scorer).

FRONT ROW David Jones, Peter Hamblin, Eric Denham, Bernie Bower, David Howes, John Hungate.

1957 Football Practice White Hart Lane

Photo and names supplied by Ron Southall, 1956 pupil, who is at the back. Other names by Peter Turner

Back of photo: Ron Southall, Laurie Pate, Steve Carr

Front of photo: John Bowles, Paul Simmonds

1957 Form 2A

Photo supplied by Susan Seymour (Wright) 1956 pupil, who is in the front row. More names from Laurie Pate, 1956, and Christine MacPherson (Upton) 1956. Laurie is in the centre row.

BACK ROW Jonathan Howard, Anthony Cude,?, Geoffrey Barrowclough, Michael Davy, Paul Simmonds?, Vic Eaton, Lakis Georgiou, Peter Jarvis, Anthony Burley, Paul Basson.

CENTRE ROW Peter Jenkinson, Lakis Apostolou, Richard Cox, Laurie Pate, Martin Hunt, Geoffrey Killick, Rodney Dulieu, Ron Pegrum, Paul Hawkins, Peter Cooper, Alan Sutton (partial image)

FRONT ROW Jennifer Roker, Sheila Norman, Sylvia Gray, Susan Wright, Janet Magee, Linda Russell, Vivienne King, Christine Painter, Maureen Grimbly, Anne Wood, Rita Dickinson.


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