Photo scanned from page 146 in the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
NOTE. This photo only has information panels with very dark backgrounds, so the names cannot be read at the moment. Here are some names of teachers remembered but offers of more are very welcome.
BACK ROW Mr Penney on the far left, then Mr Peacock(?), Mr Brandon, Mr MacPhee on the right
UPPER CENTRE ROW Mr Eustance is centre, with Mr Chick (woodwork) on his left, then Mr Ellison, Mr Dean, and Mr Swinden, soon to be Headmaster.
LOWER CENTRE ROW Mr Dinmore (standing), Miss Parsons far left, Miss Jobson is immediately behind Dr Jones.
FRONT ROW Dr Jones is centre in his academic robes with Miss Macrea on his right, and Miss Andrews on his left, then Miss Aldridge, Miss Mundy (not sure on the spelling), and Miss Chisholm. Also, Miss Stewart and Mr Taunt(?) on Dr. Jones far right. Mrs Brandon was also teaching PE but I can’t see her there.
Some names added in 2021, from Joy Riley, (nee Thompson), 1944 - 49 and John Glyn 1946.
Photo scanned from page 173 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
Supplied by John Glyn
NOTE. Only this image is available at the moment, but there may be opportunity to re-create this panoramic whole school photo later, as well as most of the other ones in 1955, 1958 and 1962.
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