This part of the website originally hosted the details of those Trinity ex-pupils who sadly lost their lives during World War 2. These details been re-located to a dedicated “WW2 In Memoriam” booklet under the “STORIES…” heading at the top of the page.
One is of Victor George John Morriss, whose son, John Morriss was at Trinity 1954 to 1959 and was located in Adelaide, South Australia. John is a member of the 1954 Group and he and his wife, Glynis attended a 1954 Group reunion at Ye Olde Cherry Tree.
We are indebted to Robert Hughes for the “In Memoriam” booklet, and the image of the memorial board. Robert Hughes is a nephew of an old Trinitarian by the name of William (Bill) Hughes, remembered on the plaque above.
Photo supplied by Peter Barr, 1940 pupil.
BACK ROW Eileen Atkinson, Michael Cannon, Tom Edwards, Peter Barr, John Kemp, James Grout, Ken Smith, Betty Mustani.
CENTRE ROW Brenda Richards, Margaret Allday, Beryl ?, Joyce Hulford, Peggy Mills, Audrey Leach, Joyce Hawkin, Pauline Philips, Kathleen Birch, Doris Clarke, Eileen Fowle.
FRONT ROW Ken Turner, Frank Hulford, Derek Augood (School Captain), Mr David Taunt, Miss M. Andrews, Beryl Turnell, Josephine Sfingi, Muriel Fowler.
Photo scanned from page 91 of the school history compiled by Don Grammer in 1999 - Trinity: A School with a Past
There is no information on who supplied this photo, but John Glyn, 1946 pupil and one time 1946 Reunion Group Leader, is in the front row, so it is likely he supplied the photo and names.
BACK ROW R.Stroud, R.Cole, K. Wright, F, Barford, G. Cooper, L. Redman.
FRONT ROW L. Healey, E. Chard, C. Higgens, John Glyn, J. Jenkins, J. Lane.
The back of this photo is labelled "1947" and includes some names for the girls.
Back Row L to R: (6 boys), Doris Clarke, Beryl Nelson, Peggy Miller, (?). Muriel Fowles, Audrey Newson.
Middle Row L to R: (6 boys), Kathleen Birch, Mary Minson?, (?), Margaret Allday, (?), Rosemary Cummins.
(No details for the front row - can you help?)
Photo supplied by Agnes Lesage, nee Broadley, 1941 pupil and also the name of James Grout, who became a prominent actor. On another printed page, as yet without a full image, Agnes lists the names of Joyce Hulford, Margaret Allday, Jean Wilson, Jean Althorp, and Josephine Sfingi, K.M. Smith, Jean Waller, James D, Grout, and Muriel Fowler as "principal actors". A note on the same printed page from Grace King (Johnson), a 1942 pupil, points out that this photo appears on page 169 of the school history, Trinity: a school with a past.
BACK ROW ?, ?, ?, ?' ?.
FRONT ROW ?, ?, ?, ?, James Grout, ?, ?, ?.
The photo is supplied by Agnes Lesage (Broadley) 1941 pupil, who remarks "the scholar on the left (fourth or fifth in line) with flowers in her hair, is me!"
Another comment is by Grace King (Johnson), 1942 pupil who remarks "I regret to say that I am very visible in the full cast photo. At the back is a girl with her arms raised heavenwards. I guess she was meant to be a focal point! Below her are two girls clutching a boy...,. they were in danger of falling, I remember. The one on the right of the photo is me, and the one on the left is my friend, Pamela Marshall".
Photo supplied by Agnes Lesage (Broadley), 1941 pupil. Grace King (Johnson), 1942 pupil, remarks that this photo is on page 169 of the book: Trinity: A School with a Past.
BACK ROW Joyce Hulford, Margaret Allday, Jean Wilson, Jean Althorp
FRONT ROW Josephine Sfingi, K. M.Smith, Jean Waller, J. D. Grout, Muriel Fowler
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