Welcome to Trinity School

About us
This website will be of interest to all former pupils of Trinity Grammar School in Wood Green and others who have an association with it.
The website coordinator is Laurie Pate, who was at Trinity from 1956 to 1962. Any questions or comments about the website should be sent to Laurie at l.pate@btinternet.com . Additional contributions, including stories, memories and photographs would be welcome!
History of the website
The first Trinity website was established under the banner of former Trinity Old Scholars Association (TOSA) in 1999 and it ran with some success until TOSA was dissolved in about 2015.
The current website was created by Peter Turner (Trinity 1954) for the benefit of all former pupils. It was Peter who took the initiative in 2018 to re-establish the site using as much as possible of the old photos and information that were on the defunct TOSA site, and he added new material too. It is greatly to Peter’s credit that he put in a huge effort and managed to launch the site in 2019, and to develop it into the form it is in now. Sadly, Peter became seriously ill early in 2020 and although for a time he partially recovered, he died in January 2021.
For a time, there was some uncertainty as to whether the website could continue and there was a risk that it would just disappear. However, a collaborative effort by more than twenty old scholars organised by Colin Marr (1951) raised the necessary funds to keep the site running until 2024/25 and possibly beyond.
Fortunately, at the same time, Laurie Pate volunteered to take on the role of website coordinator and all is now set for the next few years.
The intention is to continue the website until at least 2024, which happens to be the centenary of the first naming of the school as ‘Trinity’. We could review the situation then, if it is still viable, the site could be continued, or closed down. If it is to close, then we could make provision to archive all the information on the site to be deposited with Haringey Bruce Castle Museum Archive, which already holds much material on Trinity.
In addition to the website, Trinity now has a Facebook group! Peter Hamblin (Trinity 1951) established this group, which is complementary to the website and is ideal for Trinity folk to contribute their personal memories, photos and comments directly. See: https://www.facebook.com/groups/386804812327622
Page last modified: 15 Jan 2021 16:07:58